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Video Bridge Training for Guest Presenters (8 mins)
Training Videos
Video Bridge Training
In this video you'll learn how to sign in to the event and join the Live Studio, connect your vid...
Video Bridge System Test Training (2 mins)
Training Videos
Video Bridge Training
Event hosts and presenters. You are required to test your system at least 48 hours before the eve...
Open Layout Branding Demo (2 mins)
Training Videos
We'll show you how to get this open layout look for your own webcast event registration page in 4...
Advanced Branding (3 mins)
Training Videos
Get that custom look for your webcast event easily by choosing from several types of registration...
Survey Training (16 mins)
Training Videos
Event Setup
Surveys are a great way to interact with your audience and keep viewers engaged. You can share re...
Event Setup Training (26 mins)
Training Videos
Event Setup
In this video, you’ll learn how to set up an event from start to finish. We’ll cover how to set u...
Simulated Live Training (9 mins)
Training Videos
Event Setup
Simulated Live events allow you to broadcast pre-recorded events and Live event replays at a sche...